What I do and why

These are some of the reasons why I do what I do. That is helping organisations to determine then structure their most important changes, followed by disciplined execution.

Digital transformation

Whilst the term itself has become a buzzword, its impact is nonetheless real. Organisations that are unable to make the leap further into digitisation will have difficulties, especially it they are not able to cater for all human/people aspects that come with it. What is Digital Transformation?

Accelerated change

Needless to say, organisations have to change continuously in order to survive. However, I have not only seen a clear acceleration in these entities, but also a saturation of change that is challenging for people to manage, that is if they are not taken through these multiple transitions correctly.

Human adoption

Resonating the two other aspects, this is likely the most important barrier to successful change. There is nothing more critical than human beings as they are at the core of everything and will make or break process and technology. Social dynamics of today have further increased complexity.

Who I am

For the past 25+ years I have been an independent management consultant and trusted advisor in strategy execution, supported by holding an advanced degree in sociology (PhD). After an extended time in industry, my services are currently available through MIGSO-PCUBED, the leading, single-largest global consultancy exclusively focusing on project, programme, portfolio management and people change.

My areas of expertise and interest include corporate strategy, foresight, culture, knowledge, implementation and organisational change. Next to corporate development, understood in the widest possible sense and reaching far beyond its limited, narrow meaning, I am continuously involved in scientific research on social processes in commercial awareness, management and policy. Topics include:

  • improved strategic planning and advanced roadmapping,
  • fast-moving strategy execution,
  • meaning and perception in successful communication and the transfer of knowledge (including the interplay of individuals and corporations, institutions, society),
  • disappearing technologies, products in service industries (mobile telecommunication, financial services: credit cards, insurance and reinsurance etc), complex manifest goods/artefacts, mental concepts and their social implications,
  • architecture, urbanism, fortified communities and cities of the 21st century, and housing policy within the contemporary metropolis,
  • last but not least, agile methodologies both in thinking and execution to achieve all of the above.

I subscribe to the Latin phrase most related to agile transformation: ‘non progredi est regredi’ (to not go forward is to go backward). Having signed the Agile Manifesto, with the proviso that ‘software’ is to be substituted with ‘solutions’, my aim is to make others (and myself) move forward and to consider whatever is cognitively needed ‘to know to move forward’. Stefan Bertschi on ResearchGate.

Enterprise Architecture

I am a TOGAF certified Enterprise Architect. The Open Group Architecture Framework is possibly the mother of all frameworks, encompassing the full range from business to technology and from strategy to operations.

Agility at Scale

With an increasing need to scale up Agile mind-sets and working practices to programme and enterprise level in order to make an organisation's overall agility, I am fully conversant in the leading SAFe framework (Scaled Agile).

Project Portfolio Maturity

As a certified P3M3 Assessor (through AXELOS Consulting Partner MIGSO-PCUBED), I increase an organisation's effectiveness in delivering change and transformation through maturing project, programme and portfolio management. We usually add the perspective of culture/leadership into our review.

How I do it

This describes the cornerstones of both methodology and philosophy that are used to help my clients succeed.

Senior Technical Manager @ MIGSO-PCUBED

Having joined the largest consultancy solely focussing on project, programme and portfolio management, and organisational change management that has to go with it, we help clients to successfully master and execute their most important changes. With a similar number of years in existence, MIGSO-PCUBED has proven to be good choice, both for myself and for the clients that have benefited from the combination of driven analysis and structured consultancy. See Consulting.


DEFINED INTEGRATION is the culmination of 20 years of experience and will create an integrated model and philosophy to tackle the challenges in-between people and technology. It introduces an Agile governance that appears counterintuitive at first, but is aimed to deliver to an increasing toolkit required to enable smooth transitions. What is CHANGE OMNIBUS?

Founder @ loginb consulting

Founded in 1999, loginb consulting is a research-based management consultancy specialising in strategic development, business analysis, communication, and understanding social and cultural processes within teams, departments, corporations and organisations. It has helped a selected number of clients to resolve their challenges through implemented analysis. Above its unique approach, related publications are listed on the publications page.

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